Whats on my iPhone?

Model Apple iPhone 13 mini (Blue)

Homescreen Solid color (black) wallpaper

Case Tucch wallet case (Blue)

First app checked in the morning Weather

Last app checked before bedtime (tie) NYTimes and News

Most-used app News

Most surprising app you depend on (Apple) Health

Favorite fitness/workout app Strava

Favorite shopping app Amazon

Favorite podcast “Coffee Break French

Favorite emoji ❤

Number of contacts in phone 192

Person you FaceTime the most My sons, Phillip and Matthew

Craziest place you’ve left your phone Nowhere too crazy—yet.

Alarm settings None. But I’m almost always up by 5.00am–it’s an old person thing.

Cities listed in weather app and world clock My Location, Las Cruces NMSan Antonio TXDenver, CO.

App which you wish someone would invent ?

Are there times when you try and stay off your phone entirely? While at meetings. I’m 100% annoyed when people are staring at their phones during meetings. I’m 90% annoyed when their phones are on the conference table.

At what battery percentage do you feel compelled to charge your phone? 10%