WIDEFT: A Corpus of Radio Frequency Signals for Wireless Device Fingerprint Research
iOS Apps (no longer supported)
Las Cruces Parks and Recreation App
DSP C Codes
A collection of useful C functions for common DSP operations can be found in Introduction to Signal Processing, by S. Orfanidis.
With this link you will find the above C functions and a passcode I developed which reads stereo pairs of input samples from a text file and writes stereo pairs of output samples to a text file. In addition, examples including FIR and IIR filters are included. [ ]
I also developed a real-time version of the passcode which uses the PortAudio API to read and write samples to a sound card. I have provided a step-by-step procedure for how to install PortAudio on a Macintosh computer and how to create (from scratch) an Xcode project for the passcode. With this link you will find pre-built Xcode projects for passcode, FIR and IIR filters, etc. [ Procedure | ]
Machine Learning Code
Getting cuSVM (CUDA Support Vector Machine) working on 64-bit Linux [ Info | Makefile ]